Welcome on A.-V. Benjamin's page

Bonjour ! Je partage des photos familiales (du moins une partie) principalement sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'Entre-deux-guerres et un peu de Seconde Guerre mondiale. J'espère qui vous trouverez votre plaisir !

Their albums :
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Photo to identify

between the 1939-09-01 and the 1945-09-02,world war two

Young man in front of the church of Loché (France).He seems to be holding a corkscrew in his right ...

A.-V. Benjamin

French uniform

maybe the 1939-01-01,world war two

Youth wearing an "old model" French infantry uniform.No number on the collar.Could it be VILLENEUVE ...

A.-V. Benjamin

French Young Workcamps

between the 1941-11-05 and the 1942-06-05,world war two

French Young Workcamps group 11 of Villard-de-Lans after (or during) a session of sports activities....

A.-V. Benjamin

Military classes

between the 1917-05-03 and the 1919-10-23,world war one

AUPOIL Louis Michel during his military classes posing with his wife....

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of the 29th Infantery Regiment

between the 1915-01-01 and the 1915-12-31,world war one

AUPOIL Joanny soldier of the 29th Infantery Regiment.He will then be incorpored into the 210th Infan...

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of the colonial troops

between the 1914-07-28 and the 1918-11-11,world war one

Unknown infantry soldier gunner of the colonial troops.Decoration to identify."164" on the collar to...

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of the colonial troops

between the 1920-01-01 and the 1930-01-01,interwar period

Unknown infantery or artillery soldier of colonial troops in the 1920s....

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of 26th Infantery Regiment

between the 1920-01-01 and the 1930-01-01,interwar period

Unknown from the 26th Infantery Regiment in the 20s to 30s....

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of the 7th Infantery Regiment

between the 1920-01-01 and the 1924-01-01,interwar period

Unknown from the 7th Infantery Regiment in the 1920s to 1930s....

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of the 371st Infantery Regiment

between the 1914-07-28 and the 1918-11-11,world war one

Unknown from the 371st Infantery Regiment during the First World War....

A.-V. Benjamin

Military classes

between the 1914-07-28 and the 1918-11-11,world war one

Unknow doing his classes during the First Wolrd War....

A.-V. Benjamin

French Young Workcamps

between the 1942-01-01 and the 1944-01-01,world war two

VIALLET Pierre graded as team leader in the French Young Workcamps....

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of the 29th Infantery Regiment

between the 1918-01-01 and the 1918-12-16,world war one

ARCHAMBAUD Pierre Marie soldier of the 29th Infantery Regiment....

A.-V. Benjamin

Sergeant AUPOIL

between the 1944-09-03 and the 1944-12-07,world war two

Sergeant AUPOIL Roger of the 2nd compagny of the 4th Battalion of Charollais integrated into the 1st...

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of the 12th Hussars Regiment

between the 1916-01-01 and the 1916-12-31,world war one

VIALLET Pierre of the 12th Hussars Regiment fo Gray posing with his parents, his sister and his niec...

A.-V. Benjamin

Soldier of the 7th Machine Gun Battalion

between the 1939-08-27 and the 1940-06-25,world war two

AUDRAS Louis Lucien André soldier of the 7th Machine Gun Battalion of Montélimar armed with a Bert...

A.-V. Benjamin

French Young Workcamps

between the 1941-11-05 and the 1942-06-05,world war two

Men of French Young Workcamps group 11 of Villard-de-Lans.VILLENEUVE Jean Marc to the left....

A.-V. Benjamin

French Young Workcamps

between the 1941-11-05 and the 1942-06-05,world war two

VILLENEUVE Jean Marc during his service in the French Young Workcamps group 11 of Villard-de-Lans.In...

A.-V. Benjamin

French Young Workcamps

between the 1941-11-05 and the 1942-06-05,world war two

French Young Workcamps group 11 of Villard-de-Lans....

A.-V. Benjamin

French Young Workcamps

between the 1941-11-05 and the 1942-06-05,world war two

French Young Workcamps group 11 of Villard-de-Lans.VILLENEUVE Jean Marc (to the right)."SES ROYBON ....

A.-V. Benjamin